As a licensed clinical social worker who has provided mental health counseling for individuals, activity duty military, homeless shelters, at-risk youth, and end-of-life programs I can say with confidence that the most effective and rewarding offering/modality/program/intervention/tool for my clients has been the Grief Recovery Method (GRM). I have seen the brokenhearted, disenfranchised, the friends and family of grievers, and the helping professionals benefit from taking the GRM course.
I find fulfilment as I walk with a client through their pain and grief and see them get to the other side – exhibiting clarity and completeness even after the most tragic situations and losses. The Grief Recovery Program is unlike traditional therapy in that it is educational (there’s a book and homework!) and not only identifies unresolved grief, but helps you RESOLVE it. And it’s not years of therapy – you’ll be complete in about 7 sessions with an understanding of tools that you can apply to other losses in the past or that will come in the future.
The Grief Recovery Method is most often provided in-person for a group or one-on-one. Recognizing the need to reach more grievers – The Grief Recovery Institute has trained ~100 specialists so that they can provide the program ONLINE. I’m honored that I am among the few Advanced Online Specialists and can provide the method via online. I have been able to work with clients in every time zone in addition to running my practice from an office in San Diego, CA.
In closing, I believe anyone and everyone should complete the grief recovery program. In addition, I’d like to especially advocate for completing the program with a specialist who can provide the method ONLINE.